Posts Tagged 'leak proof baby bottle'

BornFree wins Bizziebaby Bronze Award

We had a lovely message today from Bizziebaby a review website which is:

designed intentionally for all you mums and dads out there looking for the best, in-depth product reviews online – a website you controla website where what you say, goes.

Three mums have been testing our BPA-Free, anti-colic, leak-proof plastic bottles and were so pleased with them that not only did they score 4.5,4.5 and 4.6 out of 5 but they were also given the Bizziebaby Bronze award. The reviews are fantastic, very detailed and thorough and here’s a quote from each mum:

Good quality, easy to use, helped with colic and personally I feel they are good value for money.

Nicola Savage – Baby Karen 14 Weeks

I am pleased that I have got the chance to use BornFree bottles and am happy that I have been introduced to the company as they offer a product which is different to any other on the market. 

Kirsty  Prochowski – Baby Freya 12 Weeks 

Comfortable while feeding, reduces colic, wind & discomfort, easy to use and clean when you have done it a couple of timesGood quality, well made bottles that are chemical free and reduce colic for a good price.

 Louise Daniels – Baby Kai 11 Weeks.

To read the reviews in full go here:

The GreenKiddie reviews are here!

Last month we teamed up with our favourite green parenting website GreenKiddie  to find testers for our BPA-Free, leak proof, anti-colic bottles! Five mummy bloggers who bottle-feed their babies (either expressing their breastmilk or using formula) were selected and they have now all posted up the reviews on their blogs.

We have been overwhelmed by the positive comments and recommendations and can’t wait to share them all with you. Here’s a snippet from each mum to whet your appetite and you can click on the links beneath to read the whole review :

I also love the sealing disc as I can bring the bottle in my bag with no chance of spills from it as always happened with the old ones!

Success. She took no exception to the teat and had no sign of gas afterwards, I was chuffed and she was full! Happy days!

she can hold them easily due to their shape and they seem to provide the sort of flow that she needs at her age. She actually points to them over her old bottles.

 She hardly wastes any milk with these (normally her muslin is sodden, but not when I use these bottles).

My little one had no issues at all switching to the BornFree bottles and really seemed to ‘enjoy’ them.

Thanks to all our testers, and congratulations on your fabulous blogs!

Fantastic Feedback from the Mother & Baby Testers

You may remember that we were very proud last November to receive a Silver Award in the Best Product For Bottle Feeding category.

We have now received some of the Tester’s Feedback for the products that BornFree entered and it’s so fabulous that we want to share.

Category Entered – Best Product for Bottle Feeding

Name of Product – Bornfree BPA Free Plastic Bottle

 My son really liked these bottles, he’s usually a very messy drinker and ends up with a ‘milk beard’ but with these he didn’t dribble any milk out.  I found them really easy to make my sons formula up in, also to clean and sterilise.

I am overwhelmed how much I like it, even my partner said he looks forward to using it. My daughter can sometimes be a slow feeder and the comfort and the light weight of the bottle make it more enjoyable. My daughter has been less windy and does attach to the teats better than most bottle. Will definitley buy these when I have another child… I think its a pity they are not better known

I am really impressed with these bottles, the value for money is brill. we realised after using these bottles for a few days that Isabelle wasnt sick as much as she normally is when using her normal bottles, which for any parent is brilliant, as it reduces washing!

Of the bottles I have used so far this is the one I would recommend to new mums or mums starting bottle feeding. 

Great for windy babies.

 We didn’t win anything in the next category but the feedback is so good that we’re posting it anyway.

Category Entered – Best Product for Weaning

Name of Product – BPA Free 220ml Trainer Cup

An excellent cup that made the transition from breast feeding to a cup very easy, lovely bright colours, my daughter loves it.

We LOVED this product… It’s a great size, and as it’s more ‘bottle’ shaped, provided a perfect transistion from bottle to ‘cup’. Eleanor is able to feed herself so easily with it without struggling to get anything out, or vice versa without absolutely soaking  herself!! Great product – would certainly recommend this one!

I am impressed with the low vacuum valve in the cup, I feel this is allowing Olivia more control whilst drinking. Coordinating holding a bottle, tipping it up, drinking and controlling how much is actually drunk is not easy for a baby so I have found that this has been a huge help allowing Olivia to control how much she drinks herself. Even when she has controlled it herself I have not noticed any leakages from the cup  All in all I was very impressed with this cup, we used it whilst travelling and felt very comfortable letting Olivia hold this by herself.

In general, a very good product… we have hardly any spills from dribbling! The bottle brush is fantastic, it is a unique design I’ve not seen before and works very well!

Thanks so much to all those lovely testers out there for your amazing feedback, we love hearing what you think of BornFree BPA-Free baby products.

You can find our products at our online shop

and online and instore at Mothercare and Boots

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