Posts Tagged 'toddler'

Mums love Bornfree! Check out this amazing review!

I’ve just received this fantastic review from a lovely mum called Simone Riches. Simone has a gorgeous daughter, Olivia, and has been sharing with me some of the wonderful milestones of her little one’s first year-celebrating her first birthday, learning to toddle etc.

We love hearing from BornFree mums and dads about their babies and toddlers and we especially love posting fantastic comments like these on our blog for all to see.

Olivia and I love BornFree bottles for completely different reasons…

Liv, my 1 year old beautiful daughter loves her drinking cup because she can easily carry it around with her when she is toddling everywhere (and I mean everywhere, the bottle has travelled all over the country with us!). The comfy handles can be taken off too so the cup is multi use and interchangeable! The teat is “chewable” and considering Liv has her 5th tooth popping through we are finding this acts as a very good teether.  I have even found little dents around the teat!! Liv is comfortable using this cup and does not have to struggle to tip it vertically like some bottles.

The bottle has a low vacuum value which helps children who suffer with colic, we have never found this to be a problem however it’s lovely to know that so much thought has gone into producing these bottles!

We first tried Liv with the smaller drinking cup and as she adapted so well that it was always going to be a natural to move on to the larger cup (which holds even more juice to throw around!) Spare teats are available for the bottles meaning they can be constantly used without the worry of having to change the cup our little ones have got used to using.

Now why do I like it so much considering I am not actually drinking from it… I am fully reassured by the fact ALL bottles made by BornFree are BPA Free, not just one or two bottles in the range but the whole range! Mums are now more aware of BPA and how important it is to use products that are fully BPA free so what better products to use and support than BornFree!

In all honesty I will always love whatever Olivia loves using however her health means more to me than anything, so when BornFree offer products that are BPA Free and my little one enjoys using then what is not to love!!  We will continue to use BornFree bottles and nothing else and recommend them to all the mums we know and hope that one day there may be a pink or a purple cup too… hint hint!!

Happy sipping!!

Thank you Simone and Olivia.

ps I will pass on your suggestions too!

BornFree:The Interchangeable system!

Did you know the entire BornFree bottles and cups line is interchangeable? It’s true! The Trainer Cup spouts, Drinking Cup spouts, and bottles spouts can all be used with each alternate bases, even the glass bottles. This helps to ease babies and toddlers easily from one stage to the next.

Let’s say your toddler is ready to move on to the Trainer Cups (for 6-12 months of age) from the 9oz bottles. You can give your little one a Trainer Cup Spout with a bottle base so they can experience a sense of familiarity.

Here are some photos to illustrate this. I hope you enjoy trying it out for yourselves!

Notes from Motherhood: Cry Baby Cry!

One of the best things about my job is that I get to read lots of wonderful blogs written by mums and dads. They are all different, each one an insight into the personal world of that individual and their family. But they do have one thing in common, all of them are written from the heart and touch upon issues that all mums and dads want to hear about because they either have direct or indirect experience of them.

Last Autumn when I first started my role as Social Networking Coordinator for BornFree I connected with a lovely woman on Twitter called Claire Lancaster. I sensed at the time that Claire was going through a very difficult time with her colicky baby and I could relate very well to this, having gone through a tough time with my second child Molly for the same reason.

Claire has, amongst many of her talents, a gift for writing that allows her readers to connect and relate immediately to her subject matter. When you read her words you immediately feel comfortable, as if you are chatting with an old friend.

Last week Claire wrote a post on her blog which I wanted to share with the BornFree audience because it has so much in it that is relevant to all parents, be they first, second, third or eighth time around.  Feeding, sleep issues, caring for a toddler and a newborn, coping with colic and living with a baby who cries all the time are all discussed with warmth, honesty and positivity.

Claire has very kindly agreed to write some posts for the BabyBornFree Blog in the near future and I can’t wait to post them up and share them with you.

In the meantime please follow this link and read Claire’s blog: reviews BornFree™ products

Have a look at the positive reviews that have appeared on

The BornFree™ Drinking Cup scores four and a half out of five and the review states

“Easy to drink from and travel-friendly, the BornFree Drinking Cup is a great option for encouraging your older baby or toddler to leave the bottle behind”

The BornFree™ Microwaveable Steriliser is given four out of five and is called

“compact…and makes an unobtrusive addition to your kitchen”.


read more

Thanks MadeForMums!

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