Archive for January, 2010 and Dr Greene! is one of BornFree’s favourite websites in the US so we were especially happy to discover that we’re being featured in a very special article. Both BornFree and Dr. Greene are mentioned in a post recapping the launch of his newest book Feeding Baby Green at Bryant Park titled “Join The Fight Against French Fries”.

Read the article to learn more:

Celebrity Mums Love Bornfree!

The actress Melissa Joan Hart has been spotted tweeting about BornFree bottles this week.

Known on Twitter as MellyJHart, Melissa is definitely less ‘teenage witch’ and more ‘yummy mummy’ with two gorgeous boys.

She’s clearly a savvy lady too as she only gives her children the best BPA-Free baby products, BornFree of course!

Practical Parenting features BPA-Free Guide!

If you are looking for advice on how to make the right decision when choosing a safe baby bottle, have a look at the February issue of Practical Parenting for a ‘BPA-free guide’ that was generated from our BornFree Breakfast Briefing with Dr Alan Greene at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Speaking at a recent conference in London about the efefcts of PBA, Alan Greene MD, Clinical professor at the Stanford University School of Medecine, said

“Exposure occurs when the BPA in plastics leeches out into whatever the plastic comes into contact with. These levels have been found to increase when the plastic is heated. Hence the worry over non-BPA-Free baby bottles containing hot milk and being regularly sterilised at high temperatures.”

For the full article, you can download this PDF BFPracticalParenting010210MSC – AlanGreeneBornFree

A big thank you to Practical Parenting for bringing this information to their readers.

Notes from Motherhood:Here come the Dads!

The Daily Mail has featured an article today which talks about how the Labour Party wants to put fatherhood at the heart of social policy.

In the run up to the general election competition between the parties is hotting up. In a new move, to counter the Tory’s plan to tackle family breakdown, Labour have announced that they will give new fathers more access to ante-natal classes as well as a New Dad’s guide.

The article features a quote from Schools Secretary, Ed Balls

‘We haven’t done enough in the past to support dads and their role in childbirth in the months and weeks beforehand, even though we know this is the most vulnerable time for a couple. All the evidence is if fathers are properly engaged and involved at that time, then they stay, they’re supportive to their children, they do all the things which then lead to better child outcomes.’

It’s great to know there is recognition from the government that the role of the father in childcare is so important, but the article ends with this rather cutting remark from the Conservative spokesman for family policy, David Willetts:

Labour have spent a decade focusing only on mother and baby and at this late stage they’re claiming at last to have discovered the importance of fathers and grandparents.

You can read the Daily Mail article here:

Twitter Party Recap!

The first ever BornFree Twitter Party, held last night, was a big success!

Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word and to all of the lovely participants. Many prizes were given out, BPA was discussed in detail, and we learned more about our great Twitter followers.

Looking forward to the next one!

The Truth Behind ‘that’ FDA Comment!

Science Daily, an online US source for the latest news in research, have posted an article about the FDA’s recent change of stance on BPA.

Up until this week the FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration, have maintained an opinion consistent with the chemical industry; that BPA poses no risk to humans. Now, a significant step has been taken away from this opinion and the FDA have stated that exposure to the chemical is of “some concern” for infants and children.

The Science Daily article includes this quote from Frederick vom Saal, a University of Missouri scientist

The FDA formally acknowledging concern about BPA and working with NIH to incorporate research from outside of the chemical industry is a huge step forward,

We at BornFree are delighted at this change in stance and look forward to the day when there is a complete ban on the use of BPA in products intended for the use of babies and infants.

To read the article go here:

To read more about BornFree and our BPA-Free philosophy go here:

How to go to a Twitter Party!

You are cordially invited to the BornFree Twitter Party! To celebrate the FDA in the US officially expressing concern over BPA, we are throwing a party to educate, inform, and inspire UK parents to be BPA-Free & Proud! It’s this Friday, January 22th, 7pm-10pm!

We’ll be giving away prizes, holding contests, answering your most pressing BPA questions and more.

What is a Twitter Party? A gathering of individuals on Twitter who follow a single conversation or subject using what are called hashtags.

What is a hashtag? A hashtag is the “#” sign. The hashtag for the BornFree Twitter Party is #BPAFreeWeek. Whenever you tweet to BornFree tomorrow to answer a contest question, ask a question, or make a comment, put #BPAFreeWeek at the beginning or end of your tweet.

Why do we use hashtags? If you login to Twitter and press the “Home” button, you will notice a search box in the right sidebar. If you enter #BPAFreeWeek in the box and press enter you will see all of the people participating in the BornFree Twitter party tomorrow and will be able to converse with them!

How do I enter contests? Login to Twitter and make sure you are following BornFree at Then watch both the BornFree Twitter tweets and when we post a contest, tweet back to us by putting @BabyBornFreeUK in your tweet.

Example Tweet: “@BabyBornFreeUK The answer to your question is yes, I do think you are the best company in the world!”

Putting the “@” sign in front of a Twitter user’s name sends the tweet to them.

What is a Retweet? Also abbreviated like this: RT, a Retweet is a copy of a tweet.

Tweet: @newbornfree The answer to your question is yes, I do think you are the best company in the world!

Retweet: RT @newbornfree The answer to your question is yes, I do think you are the best company in the world!

Twitter lets you automatically Retweet posts. Be careful though, you only have 140 characters to use! Make it short and sweet.

Play with Twitter tonight so that you feel comfortable using it at the party tomorrow. Tweet you tomorrow!

Where: Twitter, “hashtag” #BPAFreeWeek
When: Friday, January 22, 2010 – 7pm-10pm!
Cost: Free (BYOB-Bring Your Own Bottle, Baby or Boob)

How to:

Login to Twitter
Click on your “Home” link (at the top)
In the right sidebar search field, search #BPAFreeWeek
Follow the party conversation!
Keep checking for what the theme of the hour is.

Make sure all of your tweets have the hastag #BPAFreeWeek at the end of them so that we can see them and you can win prizes!

BornFree in OK! Magazine

Coverage of the BornFree Celebrity Baby Shower, which took place last November, has appeared in the latest edition of OK! Magazine.

You may remember that celebrity parents and parents to be like Pete Denton and his girlfriend Portia Freeman attended the shower, along with Leah Wood, Carly Zucker and many more well known faces.

The OK! piece mentions that along with picking up some great gifts, Celeb guests were on hand to show their support for the mother and baby charity Baby Lifeline by autographing a gift bag for the Be My Baby Celebrity Online Auction.

Twitter Party on Friday 22 Jan 2010!

You`re Invited to the BornFree Twitter Party! You�re Invited to the BornFree Twitter Party!

You are cordially invited to the BornFree UK Twitter Party! To celebrate the FDA in the US officially expressing concern over BPA, we are throwing a party to educate, inform, and inspire UK parents to be BPA-Free & Proud! It’s this Friday evening, January 22nd 7pm-10pm.

We’ll be giving away prizes, holding contests, answering your most pressing BPA questions and more. You won’t want to miss this.

For more information visit the blog:
or email

Where: Twitter, hashtag #BPAFreeWeek.
When: Friday January 22, 2010 – 7pm-10pm!
Cost: Free (BYOB-Bring Your Own Bottle)

How do I attend? Just search #BPAFreeWeek in your Twitter search bar (right sidebar, middle) to follow the stream. Make sure you are already following

Send all of your tweets to @BabyBornFreeUK and be sure to include #BPAFreeWeek at the end of your tweets.

Schedule of Events

BornFree UK Twitter Party: Friday January 22  2010

7pm-8pm: BPA-Free Bonanza.

Tweet a link to your favorite BornFree product with the hashtag #BPAFreeWeek. One Twitter follower will receive their linked item!

8pm-9pm: BPA Fact Sharing.

Pick one fact from and Tweet it to @BabyBornFreeUK with the hashtag #BPAFreeWeek. One participant will win a Drinking Cup

9pm-10pm:  Take the BPA-Free Bottle Pledge:

Tweet to @BabyBornFreeUK “I’m a BPA-Free & Proud Parent! #BPAFreeWeek” We`ll make available a special “BPA-Free & Proud” badge for your blog, Facebook, or MySpace page. One Twitter user who posts a link to where they’ve posted the badge will win the Ultimate BornFree Prize including a BornFree Steriliser.

Make sure you include the tag #BPAFreeWeek at the end of all of your posts so that everyone can see them!

See you tomorrow night!

Big BPA News!

Here’s some very exciting news from BornFree’s North American blogger, Bunmi:

After years of no official stance against BPA, the Food and Drug administration (USA) has just expressed concern over the use of the chemical in food containers. This is huge news.

“The FDA says the agency and the U.S. National Toxicology Program at the National Institute of Health have SOME concern about the potential adverse effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland in fetuses, infants and young children.”

Numerous studies in the last few years have resulted in regional bans of BPA. Attorney Generals from Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware wrote a letter to 11 baby bottle and formula container companies to discontinue use of BPAs in late 2008. Canada banned the use of BPAs in baby bottles in 2009. In April 2009, Walmart and Toys ‘R Us pulled baby bottles containing BPAs from their shelves.

We’re very pleased that the American federal government seems to be taking steps to completely ban BPAs and keep babies safe! Join us in our mission to spread the news. This week we’re going to raise awareness by hosting a BPA-Free and Proud Week!

Are you a BPA-Free and Proud parent? Here are a few ways you can spread the news.

Tweet a link to this blog post to your Twitter followers:

I’m BPA-Free and Proud! Join the healthy baby revolution! #BPAFreeWeek(Link goes back to this post)

Get your Facebook friends in on the action by posting this in your status:

More cuddles, less chemicals. I’m BPA-Free and Proud! Join the healthy baby revolution and make your voice heard

You can make a difference.

More information:

Read the full FDA related article here:

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