Posts Tagged 'baby bottles'

Facebook Competition

It’s competition time again and this week we are giving away 2 prizes -a pack of 4 Training Cup Spouts and a pack of 2 handles (which fit all BornFree bottles and cups).For your chance to win please answer this:

What do you think about soothers and would you or did you give one to your baby?

Post your answer as a comment here or under the competition post on the BabyBornFree UK Facebook Fan page. As always with the Facebook contest you can increase your chances of winning by clicking  ’share’ at the end of the post and posting an additional comment to tell me you’ve done so.

The winner will be announced on Sunday 9th May. Good luck!

No More BPA: a call to action!

Back in December you may remember that Breast Cancer UK launched their No More BPA Campaign  to raise awareness about the dangers of BPA. As part of this campaign, Breast Cancer UK has prepared the No More BPA report, for the use of Government, the media and the public. You can download the report from here These are the recommendations which end the report:

The UK Government should end the use of BPA in baby bottles as a matter of priority by introducing regulations, similar to those already introduced in Canada and expected to be brought about in the US, in order to decrease the exposure to BPA of newborns and very young babies.

There is also a compelling argument for adequate labelling of all food contact items, including those aimed at adults. Scientific studies, particularly those that have demonstrated that BPA exposure to pregnant women can impact on health outcomes in children, warrant serious attention.

The UK Government should introduce measures to ensure that clear labelling is used on all food contact products that contain BPA to allow consumers to make informed choices about their own level of exposure to BPA, and provide advice, in particular to pregnant women and breast cancer patients, on how to reduce their BPA intake levels.

So, what can we as individuals and parents do?

Most importantly we can choose BPA-Free products for our children whenever possible.

Next we can spread awareness by informing and making recommendations to our family and friends, try using this website as a resource  

Finally, we can put pressure on our government to sit up and take notice. Breast Cancer UK has made this easy for us to do by including a Take Action page on their No More BPA website. If you fill in the form with your details it will automatically generate a letter to your local MP, asking them to sign the EDM 293 against the use of BPA in Baby Bottles. Simple as that!

So, come on parents! Let’s take action and make sure our government bans the use of BPA in our babies’ products!

Read all about it…..

BornFree has received a great review from the Madhouse Family Review blog. The products reviewed were the BPA-Free Plastic Baby Bottle and the BPA-Free Drinking Cup and they were tested by a six month old baby and his big sister of 5. Cheryl the reviewer, and the children’s mum, gave  us a 5/5 star rating!

Here’s a little preview of what she had to say:

What I absolutely love is that they are totally leakproof, even if you shake them like a loony… That’s reassuring if you need to take them out with you and are worried about spillages in the car or changing bag.

… all the different parts of the whole drinking range are interchangeable. That’s fantastic news for getting baby progressively used to drinking in different ways, and also means that you can instantly replace damaged teats or spouts if necessary… This system also means you can replace individual elements rather than buying a whole new cup or bottle, so that works out cheaper as well as being kinder on the environment.

What a fantastic review, thanks so much to the Madhouse Family!
To read the whole review go here
To look at the products go here

“Ban the BPA Bottle” say Breast Cancer UK

Breast Cancer UK today launched their No More BPA campaign calling on the Government to take action to end the use of the controversial chemical BPA in baby bottles.

This call is backed by NCT (formerly National Childbirth Trust), UNISON, The Women’s Environmental Network, the Cancer Prevention and Education Society and CHEM Trust.

The results of the survey conducted by the charity show that the public support the move, with 61 per cent of the public saying that the UK Government should “act to end the use of BPA in baby bottles.” Baby bottles containing BPA are already voluntarily withdrawn from shelves in Canada and the USA, but are still available in the UK.

BornFreeTM is the world’s leading brand for baby bottles and feeding devices free from Bisphenol-A (BPA), Phthalates and PVC, which are now available across the UK. BornFreeTM products offer a completely safe option for parents wishing to avoid the risk of interference with the developmental processes of children, which evidence suggests is caused by leaching of chemicals such as BPA from plastics. Babies and growing children are particularly at risk from exposure because they are still undergoing many hormone-controlled developmental processes.

BornFreeTM baby feeding products have always been and always will be free from harmful chemicals.

Help protect your child from complications caused by chemicals in plastics and visit for more information.

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