Posts Tagged 'BornFree BPA-Free Baby Bottles'

Facebook contest!

It’s competition time again!

As a new parent having  good support  is so important, and since many of us have moved away from our hometowns it’s not always possible to get that support from our family and oldest friends. But we know that help can come in many guises- from a friendly neighbour to an online community- so for your chance to win 2 BPA-Free BornFree Bottles and 2 Variable flow BornFree Teats  please answer this question:

Who do you turn to for advice?

Post your answer as a comment here or under the competition post on the BabyBornFree UK Facebook Fan page. As always with the Facebook contest you can increase your chances of winning by clicking  ’share’ at the end of the post and posting an additional comment to tell me you’ve done so.

The winner will be announced on Sunday 30th May. Good luck!



If you’d like to hear about how online communities helped me when my son was a newborn  please have a look at this post:

BornFree wins Bizziebaby Bronze Award

We had a lovely message today from Bizziebaby a review website which is:

designed intentionally for all you mums and dads out there looking for the best, in-depth product reviews online – a website you controla website where what you say, goes.

Three mums have been testing our BPA-Free, anti-colic, leak-proof plastic bottles and were so pleased with them that not only did they score 4.5,4.5 and 4.6 out of 5 but they were also given the Bizziebaby Bronze award. The reviews are fantastic, very detailed and thorough and here’s a quote from each mum:

Good quality, easy to use, helped with colic and personally I feel they are good value for money.

Nicola Savage – Baby Karen 14 Weeks

I am pleased that I have got the chance to use BornFree bottles and am happy that I have been introduced to the company as they offer a product which is different to any other on the market. 

Kirsty  Prochowski – Baby Freya 12 Weeks 

Comfortable while feeding, reduces colic, wind & discomfort, easy to use and clean when you have done it a couple of timesGood quality, well made bottles that are chemical free and reduce colic for a good price.

 Louise Daniels – Baby Kai 11 Weeks.

To read the reviews in full go here:

Facebook Competition

It’s competition time again and this week we are giving away 2 prizes -a pack of 4 Training Cup Spouts and a pack of 2 handles (which fit all BornFree bottles and cups).For your chance to win please answer this:

What do you think about soothers and would you or did you give one to your baby?

Post your answer as a comment here or under the competition post on the BabyBornFree UK Facebook Fan page. As always with the Facebook contest you can increase your chances of winning by clicking  ’share’ at the end of the post and posting an additional comment to tell me you’ve done so.

The winner will be announced on Sunday 9th May. Good luck!

BornFree’s Ron Vigdor in The New York Times!

Good news, The New York Times  is currently featuring  BornFree’s president Ron Vigdor in their “You’re the Boss” column. The article is about two entrepreneurial brothers who have invented an all in one razor, the Shave Mate and it highlights their struggle to get a foothold in a market dominated by giants like Gillette.  Ron Vigdor is one of several small business owners who have been asked to give their analyses and share their similar experiences. Ron says:

I’ve learned that to launch a successful brand you need to create an innovative product that fills a niche and be first to market with your concept…..I had a similar experience when founding BornFree. Instead of trying to compete with the established brands, BornFree focused on what made our brand unique. We were the first brand to offer baby products free of Bisphenol A. We first launched in Whole Foods, where there was a higher consumer demand for products free of toxins and chemicals,

We are very proud of the fact that we have never used harmful toxins like BPA in products and have pioneered the BPA-Free baby bottle market and it’s amazing to see our founder talking about it in publications like the New York Times. Congratulations Ron!

You can read the full article here:

The GreenKiddie reviews are here!

Last month we teamed up with our favourite green parenting website GreenKiddie  to find testers for our BPA-Free, leak proof, anti-colic bottles! Five mummy bloggers who bottle-feed their babies (either expressing their breastmilk or using formula) were selected and they have now all posted up the reviews on their blogs.

We have been overwhelmed by the positive comments and recommendations and can’t wait to share them all with you. Here’s a snippet from each mum to whet your appetite and you can click on the links beneath to read the whole review :

I also love the sealing disc as I can bring the bottle in my bag with no chance of spills from it as always happened with the old ones!

Success. She took no exception to the teat and had no sign of gas afterwards, I was chuffed and she was full! Happy days!

she can hold them easily due to their shape and they seem to provide the sort of flow that she needs at her age. She actually points to them over her old bottles.

 She hardly wastes any milk with these (normally her muslin is sodden, but not when I use these bottles).

My little one had no issues at all switching to the BornFree bottles and really seemed to ‘enjoy’ them.

Thanks to all our testers, and congratulations on your fabulous blogs!

BornFree gets a mention in Prima Baby!

We’re very pleased to see that one of our favourite celebs has a new column in Prima Baby and Pregnancy Magazine. Denise Van Outen, now in her third trimester, is writing a fabulous Pregnancy Diary and we are so excited about getting a mention in the section called In my hospital bag you’ll find…


“Mums to Be” raise money for Tommy’s Baby Charity!

Last month a lady called Clare Perquin got in touch with BornFree to tell us about a “Mums to be” Party that she was planning  in order to raise money for Tommy’s Baby Charity.

We loved the idea and were very happy to help out with some items to add to the raffle. I was delighted to receive an update from Clare today and this is some of what she had to say about the party:

I just wanted to let you know how we got on at the “Mums to be” charity event for Tommy’s.
The charity event on Sunday 28th March went extremely well and I managed to raise £117 for Tommy’s via the raffle and also some small cash donations. We played a number of games including Baby Bingo and Guess the celebrity parent. We also discussed many products and all in all the party was great fun.


Congratulations to Clare and all the “Mums to be” on raising money for such a worthy cause-you certainly seem to have had lots of goodies to choose from!

Clare tells me she is hoping to hold a larger event in the Autumn at the Ramada Encore Birmingham City Centre and is on the look out for some fundraising ideas; so if you think you can help please leave a comment and we’ll make sure Clare gets to see it.

Celebrities love BornFree!

Celebrity stylist and TV presenter, Nicky Hambleton-Jones  has just sent us this fantastic testimonial:

I’ve been using BornFree bottles to feed my son Benjamin since he was 2 weeks old and they’ve been fantastic – he’s had no colic or discomfort at all.  Highly recommend them to all new mums.

10 years Younger star Nicky was one of the guests at the BornFree Celebrity Baby Shower held last November and gave birth to her little boy in January this year after a reported 5 day labour-ouch!

Thanks for your lovely words Nicky, and many congratulations on becoming a mum!

BornFree gets a mention in Now Magazine!

This week’s issue of Now Magazine has a fab interview with the lovely Denise Van Outen. In it she models her new DVO Maternity range with and talks about her pregnancy and future plans.

We were excited to see that BornFree gets a special mention too

Glad you like our products Denise, and we hope ‘Shakira’ will like them too.

BPA is front page news at last!

We are delighted to see that the BPA issue has finally made front page news in the British press today!

The Independent has featured an article by Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Martin Hickman, which names and shames some of the biggest UK retailers and baby bottle producers who continue to supply products containing the harmful toxin BPA.

The article includes this statement made by a BornFree spokesperson:

We believe that BPA has been one of the most studied chemicals for decades for a reason. Recent scientific research suggests that small amounts of BPA may leach into foods or beverages stored in polycarbonate containers, especially when the contents are acidic, high in fat, or heated. Research also suggests that BPA may act as an endocrine disruptor, a substance which mimics natural human hormones, and that babies and growing children are particularly at risk from exposure because they are still undergoing many hormone-mediated developmental processes.

We believe that the use of BPA in baby-feeding products should be banned in its entirety. It is for this reason that our entire product portfolio has always been and always will be free from harmful chemicals such as BPA.

It really is time that this issue was brought to the UK public; the article tells us how we are lagging behind when it comes to taking government action

Canada and three US states, Connecticut, Minnesota and Wisconsin, have banned BPA in baby bottles and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is concerned about its impact on babies and young children, and supports its removal from infant-feeding products.

We are looking forward to seeing more coverage of Bisephenol-A in tomorrow’s Independent.

You can read the full article here:

Update: Thursday 1st April

The Independent has followed up with more on BPA today. This time the main feature is about how a worrying amount of our favourite family food is contained in tin cans lined with BPA.

We are also relieved to see that included in the piece is a link to this article

Good news!

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